Confucian Temple Taipei

Monday, March 7, 2011

It's good to have friends...

Dinner for Joyce's many years young?

Yes, that's right, friend from Champaign and Urbana did brave the 20 hour flight to spend time with us in Taiwan. They had an opportunity to see the last vestiages of the lantern display at Chiag-Kai Shek Memorial -- a beautiful display of hand painted lanterns, experience Taipei winter -- cold and damp sometimes and warm and balmy others.  We enjoyed having them here and we have been a little down all this last week with them gone.
We're not sure how helpful those English
menus were...
They got to try lots of special food from Taiwan, ride on the high speed rail, listen to aboriginal music, and shop, but we'll let you tell there story.

We took them to some of our favorite places - Sun Moon Lake. The gondola ride on Maukong.

Floral display
We also had a chance to visit the floral exhibit. It was really beautiful. I think everyone in the group enjoyed the times we spent together.

Claude and Susan

These teapots are survivors...

Survivors of 1999 earthquake...
The teapots and cups in this picture are from a tea shop in Jushan that collapsed and has been rebuilt. The caligraphy on the outside of the cup is "tea." The caligraphy on the inside of the cup calls the taster to "enjoy the fragrance" as well as the taste. The small teapot on the left is from Yixing in China. It is famous for indistructible teapots. When we were in China 12 years ago, we remember people lining the road banging teapots together with wild abandon to show how indistructible they are. With these teapots it is certaingly true!

Friends invited us to their shop, invited us to share tea with them, and told us the story of the teapots on display at their shop. During the severe earthquake in 1999, many homes and lives were lost. The tea shop was on the ground floor of a multi-story building. The living spaces for the family were not damaged, but the tea shop collapsed. Many pots and cups were crushed, but a few survivied. Our friends knew we were looking for a tea pot and some cups so that we could have tea in the afternoon in the Taiwanese way -- multiple steeping, tasting and savoring of the tea and the company of each other -- a time to slow down and really attend to the smell and flavor of the tea be present to the other person. It seems to me nothing is so fragrant as Oolong tea from Taiwan. The high mountain tea is very delicate and delicious through multiple steepings and pourings. Pot and cups are warmed with boilint water. The tea is put in a small teapot to cover the bottom. The boiling water goes into the small teapot. The rolled tea leaves unbend and release their beautiful fragrance and delicious flavor. The tea is brewed for a short time and put in another container to serve all around. This prevents the tea from becoming bitter. This is done at each steeping and pouring.

Taipei Tea Shop
It is a serene and relaxing way to spend time with friends sharing a languid moment of quiet of spirited conversation with people we enjoy. The Taiwanese style tea tasting is a way to stop and enjoy the day. It is great. Even Claude is drinking tea! We are learning to sit with each other with calm and grace. We are thankful for all the friends who have helped us learn about this very delightful way to to value our day time and each other. We look forward to tasting tea with all of you.

Claude and Susan